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My Husband's Sweethearts, by Bridget Asher
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When Lucy discovered that her charming, cheating husband was dying, she came home, opened up his little black book, and decided she wasn’t going through this alone. After all, Artie’s sweethearts were there for the good times—is it fair that Lucy should have to manage the hard times herself? In this wise, wickedly funny new novel, Lucy dials up the women in Artie’s black book and invites them for one last visit. The last thing she expects is that any will actually show up.
But one by one, they do show up: The one who hates him. The one who owes her life to him. The one he turned into a lesbian, and the one he taught to dance. And among them is a visitor with the strangest story of all: the young man who may or may not be Artie’s long-lost son.
For Lucy, the jaw-dropping procession of women is an education in the man she can’t forgive and couldn’t leave. And as the women find themselves sharing secrets and sharing tears, they start to discover kindred spirits—and even something that’s a lot like family. But Lucy knows one thing for certain: the biggest surprises are yet to come….
Full of heart, Bridget Asher’s unforgettable novel is about mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, and the deep friendships between women. It’s about sweet liars and tenderhearted cheaters—about loving those we love for reasons we can’t always fully rationalize, and about the sort of forgiveness that can change someone’s entire life in the most unexpected and extraordinary ways.
From the Hardcover edition.
- Sales Rank: #269743 in eBooks
- Published on: 2008-08-19
- Released on: 2008-08-19
- Format: Kindle eBook
From Publishers Weekly
Faced with the imminent death of her charming, cheating and estranged husband Artie, Lucy Shoreman decides to call the names in his little black book and invite the ladies to his Philadelphia home to say a final farewell. For her part, 30-ish Lucy, who's 18 years Artie's junior, can't decide whether she loves or hates the man, while her much-married mother insists he deserves forgiveness. As a broad spectrum of his ex-lovers arrives, including a surprised mother-and-daughter duo and a troubled young woman Lucy takes under her wing, Artie's previously undisclosed and estranged grown son, John, shows up and seems as wickedly appealing as Dad. Asher, a pen name of prolific author Julianna Baggott, takes the edge off her sharply drawn characters with a succession of familiar sentiments. But flashes of wit and a parade of memorable women keep pages turning as Lucy grows increasingly and endearingly confused about her feelings toward Artie, John and the rest. (Aug.)
Copyright � Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
“Each character in this wry and beguiling book has a fresh take on love: how it tricks and blindsides us, makes us crazy, elated, sad; how we can’t stop giving it; how it ennobles our lives. As Lucy and her husband’s sweethearts reluctantly form a family as unlikely as it is beautiful, I found myself falling—falling hard—for every single one of them.”—Marisa de los Santos, New York Times bestselling author of Love Walked In and Belong to Me
“Bridget Asher’s pitch-perfect ear for language, sly wit, and compassionate understanding of what it is to be human and fallible make this novel an undiluted joy to read. My Husband’s Sweethearts is a whip-smart, tender, and eccentric tale that chronicles all the ways forgiveness can come to us. Don’t miss this ride.”—Joshilyn Jackson, bestselling author of gods in Alabama and Between, Georgia
“The narrator of this wry and thoughtful novel observes her world with snappy, unsentimental eyes, and yet she finds a way to soothe every broken heart around her—including her own—with genuine tenderness.”—Katherine Center, author of The Bright Side of Disaster
"A gem of a story about love in its various forms, laced with biting wit and poignant moments.... Once you start, you won't be able to put it down."—Newark Star-Ledger
“Quirky and quick-moving…. Readers will probably fall in love with My Husband’s Sweethearts.”—Associated Press
“A parade of memorable women keep the pages turning.”—Publishers Weekly
“Witty.”—Kirkus Reviews
"Rendered with humor and heart."—People
"In this spirited debut, Asher creates an unconventional family....As each character's individual story is revealed, the reade...
About the Author
Bridget Asher lives on the Florida panhandle with her husband, who is lovable, sweet, and true of heart and has given her no reason to inquire about his former sweethearts.
Most helpful customer reviews
13 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
By Monie Garcia
Lucy Shoreman's husband Artie is a cheater. When Lucy learns this she confronts him only to have him confess there have been two other affairs during their four year marriage. To cope with Artie's infidelity Lucy leaves home and immerses herself in work for six months to deal with his betrayal. Then she receives a middle of the night phone call from her mother, he's gravely ill. "Artie needs you. He is your husband still, after all. And it's very bad form to leave a dying husband."
Lucy returns home but still can't bring herself to forgive Artie. After more than a few drinks Lucy picks up the phone, calls up all the former sweethearts in Artie's little black book and announces, "Artie Shoreman is dying, Please call to schedule your turn at his deathbed."
What happens next surprises everyone, the sweethearts begin to show up. From the young, tattooed and pierced Elba to Artie's former high school teacher, the elderly Mrs. Dutton with many in between. An unlikely friendship begins to form with some of these women and you're pulled along an emotional roller coaster with Lucy.
Asher's writing is truly amazing. I laughed, I cried and it seemed that I could truly feel Lucy's emotion in her words. I couldn't believe how fast I got to the end of the book. Along with Lucy's road to forgiveness there are two other story lines that develop bringing a surprise ending to this incredible story about love.
9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
Not a page turner
By Dizziey
In Bridget Asher's "My Husband's Sweethearts," Lucy contacted her dying husband's sweethearts so that they can say their farewell. Even though Lucy separated from Artie after discovering that he cheated on her, Lucy still loved Artie, and was having a hard time having to grasp the idea of him dying. By inviting his sweethearts over, Lucy hoped that she would be able to go through this difficult time with them, and at the same time satisfying her curiosity about them. Soon, the parade of women started coming, and Lucy actually formed friendships with two of them. She also discovered things about Artie that she was not aware of before, which made things more complicated.
The premise of the book sounded interested, but the novel lacked depth and the characters were not drawn out the way they should. I find a hard time relating to any of the characters in the book. There was definitely a potential, but at the end, the book was not very engaging. It was an okay read with an interesting premise, and potential readers are better off getting the book from the library.
10 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
Lots of laughs and fun with My Husband's Sweethearts
By Suzi Hough
Lucy Shoreman always knew her husband was popular with the ladies, but four years into their marriage she'd expected him to give up the skirt-chasing ways of bachelorhood. When she discovered his flirtations with a woman Lucy knew only as `Springbird', she was more than a little upset. When dear Artie cheerfully revealed there'd been two other affairs in their post-wedding years, Lucy's rage skyrocketed and she left him without hesitation.
That was six months ago. Artie is now dying and Lucy must return home and care for him. The first night back they fight, leading Lucy to demand why she has to be the only one to deal with Artie's bad times when she had to share the good times with all his lovers? Artie challenges her to call his `sweethearts' and invite them over, and in a huff Lucy storms out. Several drinks later, however, Lucy warms to the idea and begins dialing Artie's old sweethearts to schedule their deathbed appointments.
The very next day they start showing up. There's Elspa, a former druggie utterly devoted to Artie because he saved her life. Elspa's polar opposite Eleanor also arrives. She hates Artie passionately and came specifically to make him miserable. Then there's The One Who Became A Lesbian After, The Russian, The Sign-Language Stripper, The Mother + Daughter the parade of exes marches on Lucy begins to reconnect with her husband and bonds with some of the other women, but will she be able to forgive him before the Grim Reaper becomes Artie's final visitor?
My Husband's Sweethearts is hilarious. There's silly chapter titles (Chapter Twenty-One: Eavesdropping is an Undervalued Life Skill) and the book reads quickly; it's perfect to read all in one go or in short, ten minute intervals so it is a wonderful "emergency" book to carry around for bus rides and poolside reading. The dialogue is witty and the characters are just wonderful. Each one has a different reason for being in Artie's life, and for coming back to see him now. It's a playful book with some truly poignant moments. Chick-lit for non chick-lit readers. ( that I think about it, I'm not sure I'd call it chick-lit, to be honest.)
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