Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

[B347.Ebook] Download PDF Learning and Teaching English: Insights from Research (English Library) (Volume 9), by Luciana Pedrazzini

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Learning and Teaching English: Insights from Research (English Library) (Volume 9), by Luciana Pedrazzini

Learning and Teaching English: Insights from Research (English Library) (Volume 9), by Luciana Pedrazzini

Learning and Teaching English: Insights from Research (English Library) (Volume 9), by Luciana Pedrazzini

Download PDF Learning and Teaching English: Insights from Research (English Library) (Volume 9), by Luciana Pedrazzini

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Learning and Teaching English: Insights from Research (English Library) (Volume 9), by Luciana Pedrazzini

Although a relatively young discipline, Applied Linguistics has made great strides in the last few decades, with new areas of enquiry, such as Second Language Acquisition and Corpus Linguistics, acquiring prominence. Many of the findings from recent research in these areas have not always been accessible to language teachers, leading to a perceived lack of relevance or applicability between research findings and language classroom practice. This volume aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice by illustrating and discussing what recent research in Applied Linguistics has to say about the learning and teaching of English. It includes contributions from European researchers grouped into three main areas: Second Language Acquisition, Corpus Linguistics and Language Teaching. The volume is mainly addressed to graduate students in applied linguistics, educational linguistics and TESOL but is also meant to be used as a reference guide by teacher educators and language teachers wishing to gain an up-to-date overview of recent developments in applied linguistics research.

  • Sales Rank: #11633361 in Books
  • Published on: 2012-06-28
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 8.27" h x .81" w x 5.91" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 358 pages

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Learning and Teaching English: Insights from Research (English Library) (Volume 9), by Luciana Pedrazzini PDF

Learning and Teaching English: Insights from Research (English Library) (Volume 9), by Luciana Pedrazzini PDF

Learning and Teaching English: Insights from Research (English Library) (Volume 9), by Luciana Pedrazzini PDF
Learning and Teaching English: Insights from Research (English Library) (Volume 9), by Luciana Pedrazzini PDF

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